Saturday, June 15, 2013

Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge

I have been in New Jersey for 5 days now, and I've enjoyed every moment so far. I am currently interning at Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge for the summer as an outreach intern stationed at Holgate. I will be spending the majority of my summer sitting at an exhibit on the beach to inform the public of the protected wilderness area for nesting birds. The picture below shows our display for piping plovers, which are an endangered species of bird, and a variety of shells and brochures.

I will also be leading two of four guided nature walks down the beach throughout the summer. I'll be in charge of the Wilderness Walk and the Beachcombing Walk. The walk will allow the public to walk into the protected wilderness area, albeit only for a short time. 

The refuge headquarters itself is beautiful, located in Oceanville, NJ. The Visitor Center is amazing, housing many interesting displays and a live video feed of osprey chicks. There is an 8-mile wildlife drive overseeing many salt marshes and a forested area. I drove along it for the first time just yesterday, and I was able to see a diamondback terrapin laying eggs, two deer, and many birds, including willets, laughing gulls, great egrets, snowy egrets, canadian geese, and an american oystercatcher. While at Holgate, I also got to see my first wild Atlantic bottlenose dolphins, one of which jumped out of the water! Below are some pictures of the refuge itself.

 I hope to have many more amazing experiences as the summer continues!

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